Nathan Bowen
Executive Director
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 260-7580
The Office of Budget Analysis (OBA) aids the Secretary of Budget and Management in review, analysis, and formulation of a tentative annual State operating budget for the Governor's consideration. For this purpose, the Office evaluates requests for appropriations from all operating units of State government.
The Office studies and makes recommendations on financial, revenue and fiscal matters that affect the current budget of State Government, including budget amendments. The Office also considers projected budgetary requirements. It examines the administration, organization, staffing, duties, and responsibilities of State agencies to detect any duplication or overlap of work, duties, or functions.
Professional personnel of the Office are assigned certain areas of State government to study and analyze. They evaluate budget requests, historical data, and other information about State agencies under their review and make recommendations regarding agency budgets.
The Office also enforces numerous laws and regulations that ensure economical and efficient use of state funds, personnel, equipment (including State-owned motor vehicles), and other resources (Code State Finance and Procurement Article, Secs. 3-201 through 3-503, 7-101 through 7-404).
OBA Staff Directory