2025 General Assembly Session - FY 2026 Budget Document Submission
Deadlines for Submitting Testimony to DBM
Budget testimony is due
24 hours prior to posting on the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) website.
As a reminder, MGA deadlines are as follows:
- The Senate and House deadline is 2 days before the hearing
Who To Send Testimony To
- Operating Budget Analyses: Agency budget testimony is to be emailed to your assigned budget analyst.
The analyst will review to make sure guidelines were met and follow-up with any possible concerns. Once your testimony has been approved, your analyst will let you know. DBM will post testimony to the DBM website.
When e-mailing DBM, please format the e-mail Subject Line as follows:
- Agency Code - Posting of Testimony
D55P00 – Veterans Affairs – Posting of Testimony
Testimony Format
Agency testimony is the official response to the DLS Budget Analysis.
- The same testimony will be used for both the House and the Senate hearings.
- Testimony should be on Agency letterhead and include the
sample header shown below:
Agency Name
Fiscal Year 20## Operating (or Capital) Budget
Response to Department of Legislative Services Analysis
Senate Committee Name
Senate Subcommittee Name
Senator (chair name)
Hearing Date
House Committee Name
House Subcommittee Name
Delegate (chair name)
Hearing Date
Accepted Formats:
- Accessible Adobe Acrobat PDF documents (8.0 or later)
- MS Word documents (Office 2003 or later)
- MS Power Point documents (Office 2003 or later)
- MS Excel documents (Office 2003 or later)
- DBM is required to post legislative budget testimony, therefore if your testimony is posted to your agency's web site, please send the Web URL, and DBM will link to it on the DBM website. However, all budget testimony documents submitted for posting on DBM's web site must be compliant with
Non-Visual Access Regulatory Standards.
Authoring Tips:
- Add alternate text to graphics (including letterhead) before using Adobe Acrobat to convert the file to PDF.
- Create tables by using the Table feature (Table>Insert>Table) of MS Word, rather than by using the Tab key or spacebar to position text on a page. Tables should have a summary tag and table header tags in the code as well.
- Pie charts and graphs should be limited and should have a narrative explanation in the text.
- Name of file should be the six-digit budget code (or nine-digit if applicable) of the Department or Agency, i.e. Department of Budget and Management would be "F10A01.pdf".
- Word documents should not include any Track Changes. Any document received with track changes on will be returned to the agency.
- Whenever possible, multiple documents from an agency should be combined into one document prior to submission.