Third Party Administrator Services for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) 2017-2023


Award Date: 7/6/2016
BPW Agenda Items: DBM Item #1-S dated 7/6/2016
Contract Term: *1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017 **(w/4 one-year renewal options)*

BPW Agenda Items: Agenda Item 3-S-OPT​ dated 12/6/2017
Contract Term:​ *Option 1 extends term to 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018​*

BPW Agenda Items: Agenda Item 4-S-OPT dated 11/14/2018
Contract Term: *Option 2 extends term to 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2019*​

BPW Agenda Items: Agenda Item 6-S-OPT dated 9/4/2019
Contract Term: *Option 3 extends term to 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020*

BPW Agenda Items: ​Agenda Item 12-S-OPT​ dated 6/3/2020
Contract Term: *Option 4 extends term to 1/1/2021 - 12/31/2021*

BPW Agenda Items: DGS-OSP Item # 16-S-MOD​ dated 3/24/2021
Contract Term: *Modification #3 (dated 3/24/2021) extends term to 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022*
Contract Term: *Modification #4 (dated 5/27/2022) approval of Revised MBE Plan*​

BPW Agenda Items: DGS-OSP Item # 36-S-MOD​ dated 12/7/2022
Contract Term: *Modification #5 (dated 12/10/2022) extends term to 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023*​
Contract Term: * Modification #6 (dated 12/13/2023) extends term to 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024*​

BPW Agenda Items: DGS-OSP Item # 14-S-MOD dated 10/2/2024​
Contract Term: * Modification #7 (dated 10/8/2024) extends term to 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025**
Contract Term: *Modification #8 (dated 2/19/2025) approval of Revised VSBE Plan**

Contract Awarded To:
         Modification #1 dated 12/16/2016
         Modification #2​ dated 12/21/2016
         Modification #3 dated 8/31/2021
         ​Modification #4 dated 5/27/2022​
         ​Modification #5 dated 12/10/2022
         ​Modification #6 dated 12/13/2023​
         Modification #7 dated 10/8/2024
         Modification #8​ dated 2/19/2025​

BPO #:  F10B6400004, F10B8400031 ​(Renewal #1), F10B9400027 (Renewal #2)​, F10B0600008 (Renewal #3), F10B0600058 (Renewal #4)​​



Title: Third Party Administrator Services for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) Solicitation Nr  F10B6400004​ (435 KB)
Issue Date: October 19, 2015
Pre-Proposal Conference​:
November 18, 2015 10:00 AM (Local Time)
7201 Corporate Center Drive
Harry Hughes Conference Rooms – Suite #2
Hanover, Maryland 21076
Closing Date and Time: January 7, 2016 – 10:00 AM (Local Time)
Amendment #1
Amendment #2 (REVISED)​ 
Amendment #3​
Amendment #4​
Amendment #5
FSA Financial Proposal, Attachment F
FSA Technical Proposal, Attachment Q (REVISED)
Pre-Proposal Conference Summary and Attendee List
Questions and Answers #1​
Questions and Answers #2​​​​
SOM Third Party Administrator Services RFP Including Amendments 1-5