Performance Planning and Evaluation Program

The Performance Planning and Evaluation Program is a process by which supervisors and employees can come together to discuss goals, objectives, and expected performance throughout the year. This process allows the supervisor and employee to improve their communication and plan for higher levels of output from the unit or department. The actual performance evaluation is a logical extension of the process which allows the supervisor and employee to appraise and discuss the accomplishment of certain standards and goals.

Supervisors should read the Performance Planning & Evaluation Program (PEP) Guidelines and Instructions​ to familiarize themselves with the process.

Before signing the PEP form, supervisors should read and be familiar with the Code of Fair Employment Practices​.

Links to the evaluation forms for use with the PEP process are listed below.  These forms should be used for all permanent employees, including those in the Executive Service. 

Management Employees (accessible)​

Non-Supervisory Employees (accessible)

Supervisory Employees (accessible)

Management Employees (Revised 5-20-2019) (non-accessible)

Non-Supervisory Employees (Revised 5-20-2019) (non-accessible)

Supervisory Employees​​  (Revised 5-20-2019) (non-accessible)

Performance Improvement Plan  (Revised 3-26-2013)

Supervisor Feedback Instrument