Featured Veteran State Employee - Scott C Stevens

Scott C. Stevens began his military career in Aug 1990 in the U.S Army at Ft. Dix, NJ. His first job was a Heavy Tank Mechanic for Combat Systems Test Activities, CSTA, at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He provided stateside support during the Persian Gulf War “Operation Desert Storm” testing M1 Abrams Tanks for combat readiness. After 5 years active duty, he was honorably discharged and transferred to Army National Guard for 2 years as a Helicopter Mechanic at Edgewood Proving Ground.
In spring of 1997 Scott used his Montgomery GI Bill to go to college and received his BS in Psychology from UMBC, (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).
In October of 2014 Scott accepted a position with the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Veterans Service as a Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist in Cecil County at the American Job Center in Elkton, MD. In January 2015, Scott received a certificate as Offender Workforce Development Specialist, OWDS, and uses his skills to help veteran offenders find meaningful employment. Scott assists veterans with resume writing, counseling, and vocational guidance. He feels that the Veteran Program Staff has the knowledge, training and compassion to help veterans become productive members of society. “Veterans already understand discipline, duty and a call to excellence."
Scott is excited to work with the MDLLR Team, "as a DVOP, it is my honor to provide guidance to our Veteran Heroes.”