Featured Veteran State Employee - Wanda Bivens
Wanda M. Bivens is the Payroll Manager for the Office of Personnel Services and Benefits, Consolidated Payroll Unit, with the State of Maryland. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management from the University of Phoenix. Wanda is also a military veteran who achieved the rank of Commander Sergeant Major (CSM) in the United States Army.

CSM Bivens completed over thirty-six years of military service before retiring in April of 2015 including assignments as Personnel Specialist, Patient Admin Specialist, and Finance Specialist. Her successful military career ultimately lead to the position of Command Sergeant Major for the 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion in Aberdeen, Maryland and the 48th Combat Support Hospital in Ft. Meade, Maryland.
While serving our country in the Army Reserve, Wanda also served the people of Maryland. She began her career as a Fiscal Clerk at what was once the State Accident Fund now the Worker’s Compensation Commission. Through her 34 years of state service, Wanda has held several positions including Fiscal Associate, Administrative Officer and Payroll Supervisor, and is currently DBM, PCU Payroll Unit Manager.
As we honor our Veteran’s this year on Veteran’s Day, we recognize Wanda Bivens for her service to our country and our state.