Featured Veteran State Employee - Tenea Allen

Tenea Y. C. Allen is a Human Resources Analyst for the Office of Personnel Services and Benefits at the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). She has only been with DBM for a short time, but in that time she has become a valuable part of the agency through her daily customer service and as the department's Maryland Charity Campaign Coordinator. Her goal is to become a more integral part of Human Resources by learning all aspects of how DBM supports the state agencies that it serves.
Tenea is also our featured veteran for Veterans in State Service. In the United States Navy, she served for eight years in three countries including being stationed in the US, Italy and Spain. Her military career included being named Sailor of the Quarter while serving in a Supply Unit before transferring to Military Sealift Command EU106.

During her military service she worked in various capacities, but is most fond of her time in Italy helping to secure the straits of Gibraltar while working alongside the US Marines. Although her Navy career was only 8 years, Tenea considers it the best years of her life and served our country with great pride. After Tenea was Honorably Discharged in 2009, she started her family and began her career as a civilian.
As we honor our Veteran’s during Governor Hogan's "November's Hire a Veteran Month", we recognize Tenea Allen for her service to our country and our state.