Statewide UPS Small Package Delivery and Express Services (Expired)

​BPO #050B7400010

This Contract provides Maryland State agencies (as well as Maryland’s other non-state government entities such as the local government, counties, municipalities, Not-for-profits, etc.) with the ability to utilize UPS Small Package Delivery Services at discounted rates.​

Contract Award Information:

BPW Approved Date: September 06, 2017
Contract Term: September 18, 2017 - March 20, 2022​

Contract Awarded to:

United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS) 
UPS Contract Manager: Cindy Chace
UPS Account Manager / Contract Representative:

BPO #050B7400010

This Contract provides Maryland State agencies (as well as Maryland's other non-state government entities such as the local government, counties, municipalities, Not-for-profits, etc.) with the ability to utilize UPS Small Package Delivery and Express Services at discounted rates.​
  1. ​You MUST first ensure that your department has an existing account and that it is linked to the Maryland contract. This will ensure you will receive discounted pricing as part of this contract.
  2. If you need to set up a new account, contact Cynthia Staton at
  3. Each agency is responsible for establishing its accounts and reimbursing UPS for services rendered.
  4. State agencies using this Contact are required to reference the BPO number listed above when issuing purchase order releases against the BPO is ADPICS. View ADPICS Procedures​