OPSB - Recruitment and Examination Division

301 W. Preston Street, Suite 608
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

The Recruitment and Examination Division (RED) guides Maryland's State agencies in identifying the best qualified applicants available for filling vacancies. This is accomplished by providing a variety of services for recruitment, examination and selection. The division shares with state agencies their expert knowledge of recruitment and selection processes, understanding of legal and technical standards regarding recruitment and employee selection, and recent innovations and best practices in personnel selection. RED not only works with agencies during their recruitment and assessment process but also performs audits of all State Personnel Management System (SPMS) agencies. They add value by helping to staff Maryland State agencies so that they more effectively achieve missions, visions and goals that meet the needs and concerns of Maryland citizens.

The Recruitment and Examination Division supports the merit principles of open competition and communication, equal access, fairness and customer service and compliance with relevant employment laws. They foster continuous improvement of selection methods and technology to deliver high quality services in a timely and cost effective manner.

Barbie Middleton
Director, Acting
Carole Wollenweber
Websites and Social Media
Denise Carter-McCormick
Employment of People with Disabilities
​Barbie Middleton
​Veteran's Employmentbarbie.middleton@maryland.gov
​Kellice Seymore
​Kellice Seymore​​410-767-4906
​Internship Coordinator ​kellice.seymore@maryland.gov
Job Information Line
