Maryland State Internship Information

On this page, students and Maryland citizens can find information on internships in Maryland State Agencies. These internships may be paid or unpaid, and for credit or noncredit. Approved internships can easily be arranged through most educational institutions.

Select one of the following links for specific internship opportunities:

​DBM Intern Success Story

Angela Tracy

​Angela Tracy

This summer,  I worked as a Maryland DBM intern from the UMBC Maryland Public Service Scholars Program. I was paired with the Legislative Services and Special Projects Unit, where I actively work on apprenticeship pipelines and materials to support apprenticeship success. 

Through this experience, I gained invaluable experience in data analysis, research, and professional communication. My wonderful team was quick to support me and teach me tools for success. Part of this experience is the vast connections I’ve made. My mentor and supervisor consistently support me in meeting with incredible people across the state. In this way, I’ve gained insight into state operations, grown my network, and learned from people with all kinds of positions and backgrounds.

One of the most important experiences I will take away is knowing that so many passionate and hard working people are actively making Maryland a better place every day. I know that my coworkers here at DBM are always supporting me and pushing me forward to do my best. As I go back to school this coming fall, I will take all of these valuable skills and experiences with me as ​I continue to explore my career. 

Internship Program

  • Are you looking for an internship opportunity with the State of Maryland? 
    Get started here

Internships provide students with valuable experience:

  • Integrate theory and practice in their disciplines.
  • Test their skills and ideas in job situations.
  • Learn about professional behavior, including ethics, conduct and job responsibility, and working.
  • Learn valuable information interacting with experienced professionals.
  • Gain a realistic perspective of the working world.
  • Obtain marketable work experience.
  • Build valuable networks for future job searches.

