State/Local Agency Instructions:
Creditors must utilize the MOVEit server to submit debt referrals or any other requests that contain PII information. CCU is unable to read encrypted information and/or accept unencrypted PII that comes through Service Now (
To use CCU's Electronic Excel Referral File for submitting a bulk file (
more than 10 debtors) to CCU at one time, please follow these instructions:
- Complete CCUs Referral File Template
Referring an interest-bearing account? The interest rate must be entered as noted below or the file will be rejected, and your agency will be contacted to make the necessary corrections.
Value with (x.xx) or without the decimal (x).
Min\max range for the interest rate field (i.e. interest rate range of 1% to 18%)
Example - a value entered as 5.00 or 5 will translate to 5%.
- Excel File must be saved in .XLS format
- All files must also be saved/submitted using the CCU standard file naming convention below:
Debt referral files
Manually created file
senderA is the first initial, last name, and sequence identifier for the person sending the file and is used when a sender may send multiple files on the same day.
Examples: CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeA.txt
CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeB.txt
CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeC.txt
Electronically created file format:
Example: CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ 13010103.xls
Adjustment files
Manually created file format
CCU_ADJ_ creditorshortname_yyyymmdd_senderA.extension
Where senderA is the first initial, last name, and sequence identifier for the person sending the file and is used when a sender may send multiple files on the same day.
Examples: CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxA.xls
CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxB.xls
CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxC.xls
Electronically created file format
CCU_ADJ_ creditorshortname_yyyymmdd_hhmmssss.txt
Example: CCU_ADJ_UMUCNDSL_20190225_10201505.txt
Backup Documentation files
creditorreferencenumber is the debtor’s creditor reference number assigned by the agency and A represents a sequence identifier for multiple debts.
Examples: CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345A.pdf
CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345B.pdf
CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345C.pdf
- Do
NOT remove any columns/fields that are not being used (leave blank)
Upload the file to the
MOVEit server.
Files submitted in the following incorrect format and/or not using
the correct CCU file naming convention *will be returned* to your agency for correction:
Word Document
PDF file
Excel file saved as an .XLXS
CSV file
Reference Documents
Please complete all highlighted fields noted on the form as appropriate for your agency or agency individuals. Once completed, please submit the request directly to Credentials will be provided through an encrypted email from DoIT.