State/Local Agency Instructions:

​​Creditors must utilize the MOVEit server to submit debt referrals or any oth​er requests that contain PII information. CCU is unable to read encrypted information and/or accept unencrypted PII that comes through Service Now.

To use CCU's Electronic Excel Referral File for submitting a bulk file (more than 10 debtors) to CCU at one time, please follow these instructions:
  1. Complete CCUs Referral File Template​  
​​​​​​​box1.PNG​Referring an interest-bearing account? The interest rate must be entered as noted below or ​the file will be rejected, and your agency will be contacted to make the necessary corrections.
    • Value with (x.xx) or without the decimal (x).
    • Min\max range for the interest rate field  (i.e. interest rate range of 1% to 18%)
    • ​Example - a value entered as 5.00 or 5 will translate to 5%.​​
  1. Excel File must be saved in .XLS format
  2. All files must also be saved/submitted using the CCU standard file naming convention below:​
​​box1.PNGDebt referral files
​​check1.PNGManually created file
Where senderA is the first initial, last name, and sequence identifier for the person sending the file and is used when a sender may send multiple files on the same day.
check1.PNG​​Examples: ​​​​​CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeA.txt  
 ​​​​​​​​       CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeB.txt
 ​​​​​​​       CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ tbarteeC.txt
​​​​​​​​​​​​​box1.PNGElectronically created file format: 
​​​check1.PNG​​​Example: CCU _ REF _ DBMOPSB _ 20190306 _ 13010103.xls​​​​​​
box1.PNG​Adju​stment files
check1.PNG​​Manually created file format
​​​​​check1.PNG​​CCU_ADJ_ creditorshortname_yyyymmdd_senderA.extension

    Where se​nderA is the first initial, last name, and sequence identifier for the person sending the file and is used when a sender may send multiple files on the same day.

    check1.PNG​​​​​​Examples: CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxA.xls  
     ​​​​​​​​       CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxB.xls
     ​​​​​​​ ​      CCU _ ADJ _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ fmaddoxC.xls​

    ​​​​check1.PNG​​Electronically created file format​
    ​​​​​​​​check1.PNG​​​CCU_ADJ_ creditorshortname_yyyymmdd_hhmmssss.txt
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​check1.PNG​​​Example: ​​​​​​​​​CCU_ADJ_UMUCNDSL_20190225_10201505.txt​​​​​​​

    ​​​​​​box1.PNGBackup Documentation files​

    Where creditorr​eferencenumber is the debtor’s creditor reference number assigned by the agency and A represents a sequence identifier for multiple debts.​​

    check1.PNG​​Examples:   CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345A.pdf  
     ​​​​​​​​                   CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345B.pdf
    ​ CCU _ BKU _ UMUCNDSL _ 20190225 _ 12345C.pdf​

    1. Do NOT re​move any columns/fields that are not being used (leave blank)
    2. ​​​​​Upload the file to the MOVEit server.

    Files submitted in the following incorrect format and/or not using the correct CCU file naming convention *will be returned* to your agency for correction:
    • Word Document
    • PDF file
    • Excel file saved as an ​.XLXS
    • CSV file
    Reference Documents

      • Please complete all highlighted fields noted on the form as appropriate for your agency or agency individuals. Please create a Service Now ticket to have the signed form processed. Credentials will be provided through an encrypted email from DoIT.​