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MyMDCARES "Wellness From the Couch" Emotional Wellbeing Webinar Series!

Life is full of ups and downs - what skills and resources are in your toolbox to assist you with navigating challenges? MyMDCARES is excited to offer a new tool to include in your emotional well-being toolbox: the "Wellness From the Couch" Emotional Wellbeing webinar series! In this series, you'll discover how to harness your super power of motivation, learn to cultivate calm and strengthen your resilience, acquire skills and tips to communicate more effectively, and ways to reclaim joy in everyday life. 

View the 3/30/2023 Staying Motivated - Tips for leveraging your Super Power recorded webinar to learn strategies that will help keep you motivated as you identify your motivational style so you can achieve any goal.

View the 5/15/2023 Tools for Regaining your Resilience recorded webinar to learn how to access the capacity for resilience through the use of specific tools that cultivate mental and emotional calm during times of stress.

View the 8/17/23 Raising Resilient Kids Webinar - A Parent's Guide to explore the complexities of your role as a parent and evidence-based approaches to fostering resilience.

View the 8/22/23 Effective Communication Webinar to review the key skills to improve how you communicate (talking and listening) and relate to others in order to enhance your professional and personal relationships. ​

We all have experienced times when life can be uncertain, scary, and overwhelming. This kind of stress can cause strong emotions in us and our children, affecting our relationships, work productivity, and school performance. Wouldn't it be great to have help in navigating life in all aspects of life - relationships, work, school, parenting, financial, legal, and everyday responsibilities?