Employees in the State Personnel Management System (SPMS) have the right to appeal a disciplinary action and to grieve Management actions they feel violate law or policy. The SPMS Appeal and Grievance Form is used to both appeal a disciplinary action and to file a grievance. The process for each type of appeal is outlined on the second page of the SPMS Appeal and Grievance Form, which can be found under
Employee Forms.
A settlement conference is held at the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) in every unresolved SPMS grievance and disciplinary action appeal. Our goal is to help the parties settle their dispute so that a hearing is not necessary. The benefits of settling cases include: certainty of outcome, quick resolution of issues, and management/employee participation in reaching mutually satisfactory agreements.
Employees and managers who have questions about this process or general questions about the grievance and disciplinary action appeals process may contact the Settlement Coordinator, Mr. James Fox at
James.Fox@maryland.gov or 410-767-5846.