Collective Bargaining in Maryland

Approximately 30,000 Maryland State employees have collective bargaining rights. This means that organizations certified as the exclusive bargaining representative are entitled to negotiate with the Governor or his designee(s) regarding wages, hours, and working conditions on behalf of bargaining unit employees.

The current exclusive bargaining representatives and their respective bargaining units are listed below.

Bargaining Unit/Class Titles

Exclusive Bargaining Representative
and Negotiate​d MOUs​


A - Labor and Trades​

AFSCME Maryl​and - American​ Federation of State, County and Municipal​ Employees​

B - Administrative, Technical and Clerical

C - Regulatory, Inspection and License

D - Health and Human Services Non Professional​

E - Health Care Professionals​​

AFT - Healthcare Maryland 

​F - Social and Human Service Professionals

AFSCME Maryland - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

​G - Engineering, Scientific and Administrative Professionals

MPEC - Maryland Professional Employees Council​​​

​​H - ​Public Safety and Security

AFSCME/Teamsters ​​

​H - I.A.F.F.

BWI ​​I.A.F.F.​

BWI I.A.F.F. 3.13.25

Appendix A - Annual Salary Schedule

Appendix B - Pilot Promotional Recruitment & Testing Guidelines​​

BWI I.A.F.F. Side Letters​

​I - Sworn Police Officer

State Law Enforcement Officer's Labor Alliance  July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022

State Law Enforcement Officer's Labor Alliance  July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025

 State Law Enforcement Officer's Labor Alliance​​ July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026

​J - MdTa Sw​orn Officer​

MD Transportation Authority Police #34​​​ 
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022

MD Transportation Authority Police #34​​ 

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025​

 MD Transportation Authority Police #34

July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026

Side Letter -  Lane Memorial Bridge Detachment 10-Hour Shift Schedule​


​K - ​ School for the Deaf - Faculty​​
​AFT-Maryland School for the Deaf

Collective Bargaining Unit Status Codes:

The letter code is preceded by a “Y” when the employee is included in bargaining and with an “N” when the employee is excluded from bargaining.

Examples of position bargaining unit status:
YA Employee is included in bargaining unit A
NS Employee is excluded from bargaining due to the supervisory duties assigned to the position 


Labor and trades unit

Administrative, technical and clerical unit

Regulatory, inspection, and licensure unit


Health and human service nonprofessional unit


Health care professionals unit


Social and human service professionals unit


Engineering, scientific, and administrative professionals unit


Public safety and security unit


Sworn police officers unit

​School for the Deaf - Fa​culty


Excluded - Supervisor


Excluded - Manager


Excluded - Agency Head


Excluded - Board or commission member


Excluded - Student


Excluded - Used by agency(s) excluded by exec order


Excluded - Confidential