Audit Services Contract: Task Order Process
Part 5: MBE, VSBE and SBR Reporting
- Regarding MBE and VSBE reporting, see also Part 1 - Items 3 & 4, and Part 4 - Items 3 & 4 above.
- For MBE, VSBE and SBR, the user State Agency is fully responsible for Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs (GOMA) and Board of Public Works (BPW) reporting on both the TOA Award amount and TOA actual participation during the life of the TOA and at fiscal year-end. For MBE and VSBE reporting purposes, each TOA must be treated as if it were a stand-alone procurement, with the user State Agency reporting both the award and actual participation on its reports to GOMA and the BPW.
- For MBE reporting, the Agency TOM ensures that the MBE D-4A reports from the MC (and the MBE D-4B for MBE MCs) and the D-5 from the MBE subcontractor(s) are received each month. From the D-5 Subcontractor MBE reports (only), the ADPICS screen 2355 must be completed (Previously, the ADPICS screen 2345 screen for ‘Subcontractor Entry’ must have been completed.). Record the invoice number (if not available, use an identifier number your Agency designates), the invoice date (this is the date the MBE subcontractor noted on their D-5 report. If the subcontractor(s) has failed to record a date, use the last date of the appropriate month. Example 10/31/15 for the reporting month of October 2015), and the invoice amount for each MBE subcontractor. These are actual payments received by the MBE subcontractor from the MC for the prior month’s activity. If there is more than one MBE subcontractor on the purchase order, you will need to tab down to the appropriate MBE subcontractor line, select the line with an ‘S’ and then press ‘F4-IVC DATA’ in order to enter the information on the appropriate MBE subcontractor line.
- For VSBE reporting, the Agency TOM ensures that the VSBE M-3 reports from the MC and the M-4 from the VSBE subcontractor(s) are received each month. From the M-4 Subcontractor VSBE reports (only), the ADPICS screen 2355 must be completed (Previously, the ADPICS screen 2345 screen for ‘Subcontractor Entry’ must have been completed.). Record the invoice number (if not available, use an identifier number your Agency designates), the invoice date (this is the date the MBE subcontractor noted on their M-4 report. If the subcontractor(s) has failed to record a date, use the last date of the appropriate month. Example 10/31/15 for the reporting month of October 2015), and the invoice amount for each MBE subcontractor. These are ‘actual’ payments received by the VSBE subcontractor from the Master Contractor for the prior month’s activity. If there is more than one VSBE subcontractor on the purchase order, you will need to tab down to the appropriate VSBE subcontractor line, select the line with an ‘S’ and then press ‘F4-IVC DATA’ in order to enter the information on the appropriate VSBE subcontractor line.