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​​Agency Task Order Process


Task Order Preparation, Selection and Award Process for Audit Services Master Contract (ASMC)

​​Part 5: Task Order Agreement (TOA)

  1. The Agency TOM will manage the TOA.
  2. The Agency TOM and the TOA MC will work to complete the requirements of the TOA as identified in the TORFP and subsequent TOA.
  3. The Agency TOM plays an active role in monitoring the TOA requirements and the MC’s performance, which includes the MBE and VSBE subcontractor participation on the TOA. The Agency TOM is not just a recordkeeper but actively monitors and provides remedial action to correct any deficiencies in the MC’s performance of both the audit services and the MBE and VSBE participation results. Active management by both the Agency TOM and the MC on a daily/weekly/monthly basis provides for successful TOA results.
  4. On a monthly basis until final deliverables and invoicing have been accepted and reported, even if there is zero work effort performed or zero invoicing, the MC will provide status reports for the prior month’s activity per the TOA requirements. In addition, the MC and its MBE and VSBE subcontractors must provide to the TOM respectively, MBE D-4A&B and VSBE E-3 forms for MC activity and MBE D-5 form(s) directly from the MBE Subcontractor(s) and VSBE E-4 form(s) directly from the VSBE Subcontractor(s) to the TOM for their activity. The TOM is responsible for seeing that the MBE D-5 and VSBE E4 information is entered into ADPICS by the 11th of each month following the month of activity. (See Part 5: MBE, VSBE and SBR Reporting​.)
  5. Neither the TOA MC nor the Agency TOM is authorized to make changes to the TOA. The Agency TOM must discuss any issue with the Agency TO Procurement Officer.
  6. The Agency is responsible for federal funding, HIPAA, DHS Hiring Agreement, or location of performance reporting, if applicable.
  7. The Agency is responsible for ensuring that the MC understands the applicability of the Living Wage requirements under Title 18 and cooperates with MD on reporting. At the time of TOA award, if applicable, the Agency TO Procurement Officer notifies DLLR of the TOA award. The Agency is responsible for any follow-up communication and reporting regarding Living Wage with DLLR for the TOA.